Thursday, April 2, 2015

Blog Post #11

In the Tedx Talk Back To The Future, Brian talks about his strategies used for getting poverty-stricken students involved in Project Based Learning. He first wants their full attention and involvement, so he lets them crush cans, make hot air balloons, and all different kinds of fun things that will grab their attention. He tests them by having them video their projects and embed them into a blog post. He asks comprehensive questions that will have them explain what makes their hot air balloons work. Many of the students are English Language Learners, so he also includes language intensive work that will help his students learn the English language better.

The next video is about the Blended Learning Cycle, and the power of the question. Blended learning is based on mobile, online, and classroom learning. Paul Andersen also explains the Learning Cycle, beginning with engaging, then exploring, explaining and expanding. All of these are based around the evaluation stage. The Blended Learning Cycle is summarized by QUIVER:


The goal of being a Super Digital Citizen is to surf the web safely, respectfully, and responsibly. The teacher in this classroom also uses great ideas to get his students' full attention. He explains what it is to be a digital superhero, which is someone who uses their powers on the internet to help people. I would personally love to use this lesson in my classroom because I think it will teach my students to have good character as well.

In the engaging video Project Based Learning, it is described as something that engaged learners and gave them a deep understanding of what they were learning. Teachers in a Canadian school describe the process they went through to make Project Based Learning happen in their program. First, two teachers combined Canadian Literature and Canadian History with the computer class in the school to make one big project-based class that would offer them three credits as opposed to one.

In Roosevelt Elementary's PBL Program, the teacher describes what Project Based Learning is to her, and how she incorporates it into her classroom. She includes her definition of PBL, which is in depth learning with integrated thematic instructions, based on real-world problems, and will be presented to the class after being thoroughly researched.

I think all schools should think about incorporating Project Based Learning as a requirement to graduate because it will help students in the decision making process and will help them understand topics deeply rather than the little they fully understand in a lecture-based class.
I think all schools should think about incorporating Project Based Learning as a requirement to graduate because it will help students in the decision making process and will help them understand topics deeply rather than the little they fully understand in a lecture-based class.

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